COVID-19 Information and Resources for Travelers

As the COVID-19 situation continues to change, important resources and information are being released to the public from government, nonprofit, and professional organizations. We're monitoring the availability of this information for our travel nurses, therapists, and allied clinicians and we will post links as they become available. Please refer back to this page for updates.
Mental Health Resources
This is a challenging time for healthcare workers and it's important to protect your overall mental health. Below is a list of resources available to you to help manage stress. If you are currently on assignment with FlexCare, you qualify for our Employee Assistance Program through Anthem. This is a free benefit offered to FlexCare clinicians as part of their benefits package.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Disaster Distress Helpline: 1-800-985-5990
Provides 24/7 crisis counseling and support to people experiencing emotional distress related to any natural or human-caused disaster.
American Nurses Association
Free tools to support the mental health and resilience of all nurses.
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
Stress, Resilience, and COVID-19
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255
Reboot Recovery
A faith-based program that helps first responders of all faiths overcome trauma.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Tips for Social Distancing, Quarantine, and Isolation During an Infectious Disease Outbreak
COVID-19: Coping to Maintain Your Emotional Health
Coronavirus Online Therapy
Therapists offering short-term, pro-bono or low fee online sessions to “front line” or “essential” workers.
Give an Hour
Give an Hour’s Hospital Heroes Program provides six hours of free, confidential, mental health support to all hospital-based essential employees in the states of NY, NJ, and CT as well as their loved ones.
Give an Hour Hospital Heroes Program
Talkspace Online Counseling
Discounted online therapy in the form of text, audio and video calls with a licensed therapist.
Online Therapy with a Licensed Therapist
Education and Info for Healthcare Professionals
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
Communicating with Families: Shifting the Focus
American Nurses Association
On-Demand Webinar: Ventilator Management
Germ-Free is the Way to Be: Smartphone Disinfection in Hospitals
AHA/ASA Journals
Interim Guidance for Basic and Advanced Life Support
American Associaton for Respiratory Care
Emergency Nurses Association
COVID-19 Information and Resources
The Joint Commission
Resources related to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
MedPage Today
10 Ways to Improve Patient Interactions While Wearing a Mask
Free Training Courses: How to Prepare for Coronavirus and Influenza
Society for Interventional Radiology
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Information for Healthcare Professionals
Information for Healthcare Facilities
Additional Resources
Join ANA Enterprise’s Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation (HNHN), a free nurse wellness initiative that has a multitude of resources to support your well-being. Visit HNHN’s blog Mental Health Help for Nurses for specific resources to support your well-being during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Nurses House, a national fund for nurses who cannot work due to a Covid-19 infection, caring for a family member with Covid-19, or an employer mandated quarantine.
ANA Financial Wellness offers free financial tools and education for ANA members sponsored by Prudential.
Brave of Heart Fund provides charitable relief grants to the families of health care workers who lost their lives to Covid-19.
American Nurse article “Grief Management After a Nurse’s Death”
Uniformed Service University’s Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress “Grief Leadership During Covid-19”
Support for your Family
Uniformed Service University’s Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress “Supporting Families of Healthcare Workers Exposed to Covid-19”
National Academy of Medicine's Action Collaborative on Clinical Well-being
The National Academy of Medicine’s Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-being Resources to Support the Health and Well-Being of Clinicians During the COVID-19 Outbreak